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Friday, June 11, 2010
Catatan Kongres KEADILAN ke-6 di Kota Bharu
ehsan Haji Suhaimi
Ramli Lugan, Setiausaha Kerja Biro Orang Asal KEADILAN Pahang mendapat "standing ovation" dari keseluruhan pimpinan dan perwakilan setelah beliau mmengambil bahagian didalam ucapan usul terima kasih kepada ucapan Presiden. Beliau telah mengulas kedudukan Orang Asal selama lebih 50 tahun dibawah pemerintahan Barisan Nasional dimana Orang Asal terus dipinggirkan oleh Barisan Nasional.
Dua Orang Perwakilan KEADILAN Cabang Kuala Krau iaitu Kin Kasim dan Nyah Kasim,
dari kaum Orang Asal Jahut.
YB Gobalakrishnan
Dari kiri: Dato Seri Wan Azizah, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Dr Syed Husin Ali dan Sdr Rahman Yusof
Sdr Ramli Lugan dan YB Fuziah Saleh
Sebahagian dari lebih 10000 manusia yang hadir mendengar ceramah Pakatan Rakyat di Padang Perdana KB
Razak Hussain dan anggota keluarganya didalam lautan manusia di Padang Perdana
Semasa istirihat bersama-sama Dr Syed Husin Ali dan perwakilan Perlis
YB Sivarasa Rasiah juga ada disana
Ketua Wanita Perlis
Menunggu Kongres dimulakan
Menunggu kongres dimulakan
Perwakilan Kuala Krau menikmati minuman pagi sebelum masuk ke Dewan
Perwakilan Wanita KEADILAN Kuala Krau bersama YB Elizabeth Wong
Perwakilan Kuala Krau, Kin Kasim dan Nyah Kasim dari kaum Jahut Kuala Krau

Haji Suhaimi Said bersama perwakilan Kuala Krau
Abang Ali dari Raub juga ada bersama, dan 3 orang kanak-kanak tu?
Minum dulu!
Baru masuk ke Dewan.
Mulai memenuhkan Dewan untuk perasmian
YB Elizabeth Wong memang popular
Perwakilan dibekalkan dengan nasi bungkus. Itulah perjuangan rakyat!
dari kaum Orang Asal Jahut.
Hari ini dan esuk hari-hari yg sibuk untuk YB Zuraidah di Kuala Krau
Bermula jam 4.00 petang ini, YB Zuraidah ditemani Felicia Ling, Ginie Lim, dan Fione akan berada di Kg Penderas dan disana akan diadakan pertandingan anyaman dikalangan Orang Asal dari perkampongan Orang Asal Kuala Krau.
Malam ini, 9.00 malam, YB Zuraidah akan berceramah di Bilik Gerakan Parti Keadilan Rakyat Kuala Krau bersama-sama Felicia Ling, Sarawanan dan Dato Fauzi Abd Rahman.
Esuk, 13.6.2010 YB Zuraidah akan berada di Felda Jenderak Utara jam 1.00 tengah hari. Sebelah petangnya, 4.00 petang akan melawat Kg Beredut dan 5.30 petang di Kg Rekoh.
Pada jam 9.00 malam, YB Zuraidah akan berceramah di Felda Jengka 22 bersama-sama dengan Dato Fauzi Abdul Rahman, dan YB Leong Ngah Ngah.
Semua program-program ini terbuka kepada orang ramai.
ehsan Haji Suhaimi Said
Jemputan kepada Mr Raman Yunus dan Boyrawk
Sebagai Setiausaha Kerja (SUK) Biro Orang Asal KeADILan Pahang dan Setiausaha Jaringan Orang Asal Pahang (JOAP), saya telah dijemput oleh Pak Long Sudin dari Kampung Batu Gong, Pekan, Pahang untuk membantu mereka menyelesaikan dan mempertahankan tanah adat mereka daripada dicerobohi oleh penyanggak dan penyamun UMNO untuk pembalakan.
Pak Long Sudin mahu saya dan kawan-kawan datang ke Kampung Melai, mukim Punyor untuk menyelesaikan kes pembalakan, projek bijih besi dan pembukaan kwasan pelupusan sampah haram berhampiran anak sungai kampung tersebut.
Saya tegas tidak mahu membantu lagi kerana terdapat pejuang tulen yang bijaksana untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka. Pejuang tersebut ialah RAMAN YUNUS DAN BOYRAWK yang memakai topeng David Beckham. Mereka lebih arif tentang masalah Orang Asal. Saya bagi tempoh seminggu kepada mereka berdua ini untuk membantu penduduk Kampung Gong dan Kampung Melai. Jika TIDAK DATANG, ANDA PENGKIANAT BANGSA dan HANYA PANDAI MENYALAK TAK TENTU HALA.
Saya sudah memberitahu perkara tersebut kepada wakil penduduk disana. Datang jangan tak datang.
Isu tanah: Orang Asli terus 'ditipu'
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Disogok data lama
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Tanah dirampas Seorang lagi pembentang kertas kerja, Prof Madya Dr Bahari Belaton berkata keadaan inilah yang memangsakan masyarakat Orang Asli kerana kerajaan negeri berkuasa merampas tanah Orang Asli sewenang-wenangnya kerana tiadak bukti pemilikan tanah berkenaan.
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Usir orang tak diingini
Beliau memberi contoh peruntukan dalam Seksyen 14 dan 15 yang memberi kuasa kepada ketua pengarah JHEOA dan polis untuk mengusir dan menghalang orang-orang yang tidak diingini dan berniat jahat daripada memasuki kawasan Orang Asli.
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Konvesyen disanjung
Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal pada ucapannya semasa merasmikan penganjuran konvensyen itu semalam bagaimanapun menyanjung tinggi usaha menjayakan sidang berkenaan. Katanya, usaha untuk memberi pendedahan kepada golongan berkenaan mengenai dasar tanah dan perundangan itu adalah satu usaha yang lebih baik berbanding daripada membuat "rusuhan ataupun demonstrasi." ![]() |
Keadaan kesihatan Orang Asli menyedihkan
Keadaan kesihatan Orang Asli menyedihkan
Orang Asli merupakan komuniti paling terpinggir di negara ini terus mengalami kehilangan tanah mereka melalui penempatan semula, pembalakan, perlombongan, pembinaan empangan, pembangunan padang golf, skim peladangan, pengumpulan semula dan asimilasi ke dalam masyarakat arus perdana. Hak Orang Asli ke atas tanah warisan tidak diiktiraf oleh negeri; oleh itu mereka semakin kehilangan tanah dan mengalami kemusnahan asas kewujudan mereka. Dasar kerajaan ialah mengumpul dan menempatkannya semula mereka untuk menanam tanaman kontan dan makanan.
dari malaysiakini.com | ||
Tekanan terhadap tanah dan kekurangan bantuan daripada kerajaan negeri serta sokongan telah membawa kepada meningkatkan kesukaran hidup mereka. Hari ini kira-kira 80 peratus daripada Orang Asli hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan rasmi. Lihatlah petunjuk kesihatan berikut: * Pada 1980-an jangka hayat ketika lahir dalam kalangan Orang Asli Semai ialah 35 tahun. (Untuk Malaysia Barat 68-72 tahun). * Orang Asli mempunyai insiden tuberculosis dua kali daripada purata kebangsaan antara 1951 hingga 1971. Menjelang 1995 kadar bagi kanak-kanak Orang Asli ialah tiga kali purata di negeri Perak. * Pada 1991 dan 1992, Orang Asli merupakan purata 48% daripada semua jangkitan malaria yang direkodkan di Malaysia Barat (kurang 1% daripada penduduk). Dalam beberapa tahun yang lalu mereka mempunyai purata lebih 70% daripada kes itu. * Kematian bagi Orang Asli ialah 1% setahun bagi tempoh 1984-87, dua kali lebih tinggi daripada purata Malaysia Barat (0.5%) * Kadar kematian bayi ialah 5.2%, lebih daripada tiga kali ganda purata Malaysia Barat (1.6%). * Dalam kalangan wanita Malaysia yang bersalin di rumah pada 1994, 42 meninggal; 60% daripadanya (25) merupakan Orang Asli. * Kajian 1995 menunjukkan wanita Orang Asli merupakan kumpulan orang dewasa yang paling kekurangan zat di Malaysia Barat, dengan 35% daripada mereka mengalami kekurangan protein dan tenaga. * Anemia meluas dalam kalangan wanita Orang Asli. Dalam satu kajian, wanita Orang Asli Temuan mempunyai purata paras haemoglobin 9.9 g/dl (gm/100ml) jauh lebih rendah daripada paras yang diterima iaitu 12-15 g/dl. * Kajian lepas mendapati 23% hingga 68% daripada kanak-kanak Orang Asli mengalami kekurangan berat badan, manakala 41% hingga 80% terencat dalam pertumbuhan mereka. * Ujian serological juga mendedahkan bahawa 82% daripada Orang Asli menunjukkan pendedahan terhadap penyakit yang berkait dengan virus dan denggi. * Pada 1994, penyakit kusta adalah 23 kali ganda menjadi wabak dalam kalangan Orang Asli berbanding penduduk umum. * Pada 1990, hanya 67 daripada 774 kampung Orang Asli (9%) mempunyai klinik perubatan. Di sebalik penemuan yang mengejutkan ini, komuniti Orang Asli gagal untuk menerima perhatian yang mereka perlukan. Hari ini, Orang Asli menjadi komuniti yang paling tidak sihat di Malaysia, satu gambaran status peminggiran mereka dalam masyarakat. Kekurangan zat makanan merupakan masalah serius dalam kalangan orang Asli, dan wanita Orang Asli merupakan kumpulan orang dewasa yang paling kekurangan zat makanan di Malaysia Barat. Ini adalah diakibatkan oleh kehilangan tanah pertanian dan tempat mencari makan, meningkatnya pencemaran sungai, diet yang tidak mencukupi; paras dan kekerapan mengalami jangkitan penyakit, jangkitan usus dan diskriminasi. Wanita Orang Asli mempunyai paras kekurangan folate dan zat besi yang tinggi, dibebani dengan masalah cacing dan malaria. Keadaan ini diburukkan lagi oleh kemerosotan khasiat pemakanan dalam kalangan kumpulan yang paling terjejas iaitu wanita yang mempunyai anak kecil dan kanak-kanak. Orang Asli selalu mencari makan dengan pelbagai sumber makanan malah apabila mereka menjadi 'petani' dan mereka menikmati kualiti makanan yang tinggi dengan pelbagai jenis yang menarik jika jarang-jarang dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Memandangkan sumber makanan ini semakin merosot mereka dipaksa untuk membeli makanan moden seperti gula, tepung, susu pekat manis, makanan dalam tin, dan minyak masak yang semuanya mengakibatkan pemakanan yang tidak sihat, tidak seimbang dan sukar untuk diperolehi. Kajian mendedahkan anemia merupakan penyebab ketara penyakit dalam kalangan wanita Orang Asli; dan ibu-ibu mengandung serta goiter (keadaan bengkak pada kelenjar tiroid) dalam kalangan kanak-kanak tidak melihat sebarang perubahan antara 1951 dan 1995. Kesihatan ibu-ibu mengandung merupakan perkara utama dalam kelangsungan hidup ibu-ibu mengandung dan bayi dan kesihatan yang amat penting kepada komuniti Orang Asli. Status pemakanan kanak-kanak Orang Asli dijelaskan sebagai buruk oleh pelbagai kajian. Pada 1987, didapati 54 peratus mengalami kekurangan berat badan dan 66 peratus terencat. Kajian lain mengesahkan bahawa kekurangan zat makanan yang meluas wujud dalam kalangan kanak-kanak Orang Asli; dan kekerapan terencat adalah daripada 44 peratus dalam kalangan bayi hingga 80 peratus dalam kalangan kanak-kanak berusia dua hingga enam tahun. Penyelidik telah merumuskan bahawa “status pemakanan kanak-kanak Orang Asli amat sangat berbahaya”. Disebabkan oleh kekurangan zat makanan dalam kalangan kanak-kanak yang amat serius ditambah dengan cacing usus dan masalah lain, kanak-kanak Orang Asli berdepan kecacatan yang teruk terhadap perkembangan fizikal, intelektual dan sosial mereka. Perangkaan kesihatan yang menyedihkan ini mendedahkan bahawa keadaan kesihatan yang menyedihkan serta kekurangan zat makanan bagi ibu-ibu mengandung dan kanak-kanak Orang Asli dalam kalangan komuniti Orang Asli perlu ditangani dengan segera. Malah Hospital Orang Asli di Gombak hanya melihat sedikit perubahan. Struktur bangunan kayu 'sementara' di Hospital Gombak yang dibina pada 1959 oleh pekerja Orang Asli masih menempatkan pesakit. Kakitangan hospital masih kekurangan kepakaran dalam pelbagai disiplin perubatan. Pendidikan kesihatan yang sempurna tidak ditangani oleh birokrasi perubatan pada masa ini untuk Orang Asli. Menurut Ketua Hospital Gombak, kesihatan Orang Asli tidak mendapat layanan yang baik oleh 'sikap kakitangan' di kemudahan perubatan itu. Di bawah undang-undang, semua aspek kehidupan mereka 'diuruskan' oleh Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA). Pendek kata mereka dinafikan hak dengan mempunyai sedikit ruang untuk menyuarakan hal ehwal dan kehidupan mereka sendiri. Komuniti Orang Asli mestilah terlibat dalam memutuskan keutamaan dan keperluan mereka memandangkan hanya mereka yang mengetahui masalah mereka dengan baik. Berhubung perkara ini, mobilisasi sokongan yang aktif dan penglibatan komuniti adalah menjadi asas kepada penambahbaikan kesihatan mereka.
Penulis adalah presiden Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang.I’m part Orang Asli and proud of it

Hindraf has to wake up. If they do not wish to work with Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat then they will have to go solo. And going solo means it is a dead end road. So Hindraf has to choose its ally. It can’t go to war with the entire world. It has to seek a friend somewhere and get this friend to support its cause.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
My grandmother on my father’s side is Tengku Badariah binti al-Marhum Sultan Ala' eddin Suleiman Shah (3 September 1896 - 11 February 1937), elder sister to HRH Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ala'eddin Suleiman Shah (13 May 1898 - 1 September 1960), the Sixth Sultan of Selangor.
My great grandfather on my father’s side is HRH Sultan Ala' eddin Suleiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Muda Musa, the Fifth Sultan of Selangor (1863 - 3 April 1938). And my great grandmother, the second wife of HRH Sultan Ala' eddin Suleiman Shah, is Hasnah binti Pelong, an Orang Asli.
This means the present Sultan of Selangor and I am both part Orang Asli -- and of course part Bugis. This also makes me the abang (elder) to the present Sultan. And that was why the late Sultan used to address my late father as Abang Din.
I know the Sultan is damned pissed with me. He feels I have not given him and the Perak Sultan the due respect as Sultans. Maybe the Sultan has forgotten that he is adek (younger) to me while I am the abang. His father used to call my father Abang Din. So the Sultan should call me Abang Pete. And I do not need to pay homage to him at the palace, although I used to. He should come to my house for Hari Raya instead. That is the Malay way.
No one can dispute the fact that I have Orang Asli, Bugis, Malay, and of course Welsh blood running through my veins. That makes me more Bumiputera than even Ibrahim Ali and all those activists from Perkasa. I doubt many of them can claim to have Orang Asli blood.
I suppose that is why I am what I am. A combination of Orang Asli, Bugis and Welsh blood is a very potent combination indeed. The Orang Asli, Bugis and Welsh are all very proud of their lineage. Call a Bugis person Malay and you would get a keris in your belly. They are Bugis and proud of it. Call a Welsh an Englishman and he would send you to your Maker. They are Welsh first and British second.
The Welsh Parliament even refuses to conduct its business in the English language. It is conducted in Welsh, the Brythonic branch of the Celtic language spoken only in Wales. In fact, more than 20% of the Welsh people speak Welsh and not English.
Anyway, the point to all this is that if there is one person who should be proud of his bangsa (race) then it should be me. Who can claim to be more Bumiputera than me, a person with Orang Asli blood? But I am prepared to put aside the pride of my bangsa and instead accept that I am Malaysian first and all others second. It appears, however, that many Malaysians would rather fight for their bangsa than for all Malaysians.
I remember once having a conversation with a PKR Indian leader who is also a town councillor for Kelang. He was lamenting about how Pakatan Rakyat reneged on its promises to look after Indian interests and now that it is the Selangor government the Indians are being neglected. There are not enough Indian representatives in the government, he complained. There were two or three other Indians in the group.
I asked him why he is bitching so much and whether he is Indian, to which he replied of course he is.
I told him to then go back to India and not grumble so much about the Selangor State Government.
He was shocked and for a while was speechless and did not know how to react. “How can you make such a racist statement?” he asked me.
I am not being racial, I replied. I had in fact anticipated he would say that. "You yourself said you are Indian. A person from Germany is German. A person from Italy is Italian. A person from France is French. A person from China is Chinese. So if you are Indian then you must be from India. So go back to India if you are not happy in Malaysia."
He then understood where I was coming from and quickly said that he is Malaysian, not Indian, but a Malaysian of Indian roots.
Okay, I replied, if you are Malaysian then why are you grumbling that there are not enough Indian representatives in the Selangor government. Can’t I, Raja Petra Kamarudin, a Malay, be your Indian representative?
“How can?” he said. “What if an Indian were to become the representative of the Malays? Can you accept that?”
“I can and already have,” I replied.
He looked very puzzled. He did not know what I meant. “I don’t understand,” he said.
“For 22 years we had an Indian as our Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Did you ever see me complain? Sure, I opposed Dr Mahathir. But I opposed him because of how he ran this country and not because he is Indian. In all those years that I wrote criticising Dr Mahathir I never once referred to him as Indian. I always addressed him as Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I never once raised his race as an issue.”
My Indian friend from PKR had nothing more to say. He said goodbye and walked off.
The Indians are too conscious of the fact that they are Indians. They want to be accorded equal treatment but refuse to also treat others as equals. They keep talking about Indian this and Indian that, never Malaysian this or Malaysian that.
I am actually quite tired of the antics of these Indian racists. There is nothing wrong in furthering the Indian cause. I am all for that and would gladly become a member of Hindraf if they would accept me. But I am not Indian. So Hindraf will not accept me. In England those in Hindraf will be sent to jail for this racial bar. In England Hindraf can’t refuse to accept me as a member just because I am not Indian.
Yes, in England Hindraf would be declared a racist organisation and their leaders would be dragged to court. Maybe I will file legal action against Hindraf in a British court just to prove my point. Hmm… I think I will contact my lawyer tomorrow and see if he can file legal action against Hindraf in a British court. That would teach them not to be too racist.
Doesn’t Hindraf see that it and Perkasa are both the same? They are just on opposite sides of the same coin.
I would love to get involved in Hindraf. I would love to join their cause. But if their cause is about Indians and by Indians only, then I am excluded from the Hindraf cause. Open your doors please, Hindraf. Invite non-Indians like me to support your cause. I am prepared to be the first non-Indian to join the ranks of Hindraf.
But before that can happen you must first not declare all non-Indians as the enemy. You are angry with Barisan Nasional. You are angry with Pakatan Rakyat. You are angry with Malays. You are angry with fellow Indians. You fight amongst yourselves. Which is the real Hindraf? There are five different Hindrafs. Will the real Hindraf please stand up!
The Hulu Selangor by-election on 25 April 2010 will be a good test of Hindraf’s sincerity. You refuse to support Barisan Nasional. You also refuse to support Pakatan Rakyat. Then who do you want as the government?
Okay, if Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat are both equally unsuitable then boycott both. Then form your own third front. And then contest the next general election as the third force. Contest all the 800 or so Parliament and State Assembly seats. Make it a three-corner fight. Let’s see how many seats you can win.
You will need at least 800 Indian candidates. Each candidate will need about RM100,000 to contest the general election. That would come to RM80 million. Even that is not enough. Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat would be spending a combined total of about RM2 billion, Barisan Nasional alone RM1.5 billion.
So how far can RM80 million take you? This is assuming you can raise RM80 million, although RM250 million would be more realistic. How many seats from those 800 can Hindraf win? If Hindraf depends on just Indian votes it will not win a single seat. There are no seats where the Indians make up more than 50% of the voters.
Hindraf will be totally wiped out and will not win a single seat if they depend on just Indian votes. They need Malay and Chinese votes as well. So Hindraf can’t just be about Indians, by Indians. Hindraf also needs the Malays and Chinese to support their cause.
Hindraf has to wake up. If they do not wish to work with Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat then they will have to go solo. And going solo means it is a dead end road. So Hindraf has to choose its ally. It can’t go to war with the entire world. It has to seek a friend somewhere and get this friend to support its cause.
I, for one, am prepared to support Hindraf’s cause. And I will send a message to Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, in the event he is chosen as the Hulu Selangor candidate, to also support Hindraf’s cause. In fact, he must also support the Orang Asli cause because I have Orang Asli blood running through my veins and the Orang Asli are worse off than the Indians.
Let the Hulu Selangor by-election be the day that Hindraf sends ‘their man’ to Parliament. And let this man be a Malaysian, not Malay, although he may be of Malay descent. Let Hindraf tell the 19% Indian voters in Hulu Selangor that they are not voting for a Malay but for a Malaysian who will ensure that their voice is heard in Parliament.
That is the only way forward for Hindraf. If not then Hindraf will flounder and eventually die. Hindraf just can’t make it without Malay and Chinese support. And 80% of the voters in Hulu Selangor are Malays, Chinese and Orang Asli. And if you don’t believe this then try and contest the Hulu Selangor by-election and see what happens to the independent Indian candidate from Hindraf. Maybe hilang deposit.
New land policy for Orang Asli: boon or bane?
By Yip Ai Tsin | Feb 14, 10 2:56pm | Malaysiakini
A new land policy purported to be a boon for the 150,000-strong Orang Asli community has all but been received as good news, given the many questions surrounding the announcement, said activists.
Unless further details are forthcoming from the government, the policy announced by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin last December may even undermine the rights and interests of the Orang Asli, they alleged.
On Dec 4 last year, Muhyiddin announced that some 20,000 Orang Asli families will be given by state governments freehold land titles for residential use and for oil palm, rubber and other crop cultivation under an agreement between the government and developers.
The number made up 72 per cent of the total of 27,841 Orang Asli families and involve 50,563.51 hectares of land in Peninsular Malaysia, said Muhyiddin according to reports.
The size of the land for each family would range between two to six hectares for farming and 5,000 sq feet to one tenth of a hectare for housing, depending on what the state governments can afford, Muhyiddin said further.
At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur organised by the Bar Council recently, Orang Asli activists said the policy raised more questions than answers.
For one thing, asked the council’s Orang Asli Affairs Committee head Augustine Anthony, how is the plan expected to improve the lot of Orang Aslis when it envisages them to be paying for the costs – such as surveying costs, premiums, registration, and “other payments advanced by the developers” – of the land ‘granted’ to them?
The reception of the freehold land titles, said Anthony, may result in the Orang Asli families concerned incurring debts of up to thousands of ringgit as a result of the developers’ initial outlays on the land.
“The methods of financing have not been discussed and revealed in depth,” said Anthony, and these must be ironed out and explained to the Orang Asli in detail before any deals are cut.
Another question raised by Muhyiddin’s announcement is the effect of the policy on the Orang Aslis’ communal traditions of land ownership, given the plan to give individual titles to the heads of Orang Asli families.
Social activist Tijah Yok Chopil, meanwhile, expressed concern that the varying availability of land in the different states may lead to confusion as to which families qualified for how much land, or what is to be done when the size of the land grants differ from one family to another.
Compounding the problem even further is Muhyiddin’s statement that the land policy plan bars those awarded the land grants from filing any claims in court.
“This is a restriction that is against the Federal Constitution,” said Tijah, citing the right of every citizen to access to legal justice.
Former Bar Council president Ambiga Sreenevasan, similarly, lamented the restriction recourse to the court, and described the land policy as a “terrible bargain to the Orang Asli”.
A new land policy purported to be a boon for the 150,000-strong Orang Asli community has all but been received as good news, given the many questions surrounding the announcement, said activists.
Unless further details are forthcoming from the government, the policy announced by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin last December may even undermine the rights and interests of the Orang Asli, they alleged.
On Dec 4 last year, Muhyiddin announced that some 20,000 Orang Asli families will be given by state governments freehold land titles for residential use and for oil palm, rubber and other crop cultivation under an agreement between the government and developers.
The number made up 72 per cent of the total of 27,841 Orang Asli families and involve 50,563.51 hectares of land in Peninsular Malaysia, said Muhyiddin according to reports.
The size of the land for each family would range between two to six hectares for farming and 5,000 sq feet to one tenth of a hectare for housing, depending on what the state governments can afford, Muhyiddin said further.
At a press conference in Kuala Lumpur organised by the Bar Council recently, Orang Asli activists said the policy raised more questions than answers.
For one thing, asked the council’s Orang Asli Affairs Committee head Augustine Anthony, how is the plan expected to improve the lot of Orang Aslis when it envisages them to be paying for the costs – such as surveying costs, premiums, registration, and “other payments advanced by the developers” – of the land ‘granted’ to them?
The reception of the freehold land titles, said Anthony, may result in the Orang Asli families concerned incurring debts of up to thousands of ringgit as a result of the developers’ initial outlays on the land.
“The methods of financing have not been discussed and revealed in depth,” said Anthony, and these must be ironed out and explained to the Orang Asli in detail before any deals are cut.
Another question raised by Muhyiddin’s announcement is the effect of the policy on the Orang Aslis’ communal traditions of land ownership, given the plan to give individual titles to the heads of Orang Asli families.
Social activist Tijah Yok Chopil, meanwhile, expressed concern that the varying availability of land in the different states may lead to confusion as to which families qualified for how much land, or what is to be done when the size of the land grants differ from one family to another.
Compounding the problem even further is Muhyiddin’s statement that the land policy plan bars those awarded the land grants from filing any claims in court.
“This is a restriction that is against the Federal Constitution,” said Tijah, citing the right of every citizen to access to legal justice.
Former Bar Council president Ambiga Sreenevasan, similarly, lamented the restriction recourse to the court, and described the land policy as a “terrible bargain to the Orang Asli”.
Giving Orang Asli land
thank you for halleliah

By parcelling out land to the Orang Asli under the new land policy and then barring them statutorily from making further claims in court, the government could end up avoiding compensating the Orang Asli for land used for development. If the Orang Asli statistics are correct, the government could evade recognising and paying compensation for potentially 200,000 acres belonging to Orang Asli under common law which is excluded from this new land scheme.
By Ding Jo-Ann, The Nut Graph
"TANAH kami, maruah kami," said banners at an Orang Asli protest in Putrajaya recently against changes to the policy affecting their land rights.
Just three months ago, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that Orang Asli household heads would be given two to six acres of land to help "take the community out of poverty". An additional 5,000 square feet would be granted to build houses. The policy would reportedly benefit 19,990 Orang Asli households in peninsular Malaysia and involve an approximate total of 120,000 acres of land.
But as the idiom goes, "Beware the Greeks bearing gifts." Or in this case, it may be wise for the Orang Asli to be wary of overtures from a government with a proven track record of taking land away from them, rather than awarding it.
What's the catch?
Orang Asli say if they accept the land under the new policy, it would deprive them of a further 200,000 acres of customary land which they currently occupy.
In addition to that, further conditions seem to be attached to this "gifting" of land:

Yogeswaran Subramaniam, currently pursuing a doctoral thesis on Orang Asli land rights, estimates that the land grants would only yield about RM400 a month for each household. He also says that Orang Asli culture and identity is "inextricably linked" to their land and a top-down policy compelling them to turn their land into plantations could be "devastating and traumatic" to them.
Customary land
(Corrected.) Furthermore, the government might actually be "giving" the Orang Asli land and attaching ownership conditions on what already belongs to them under common law, as established in the 2002 Sagong bin Tasi v Selangor State Government case.
Mamak Sagong Tasi dan kawan2 menang
Akhirnya...RM6.5 juta untuk Sagong Tasi, rakan

Selepas 15 tahun, tujuh orang daripada suku Temuan memperoleh pampasan RM6.5 juta daripada kerajaan persekutuan untuk tanah adat yang diambil bagi membina sebuah lebuh raya ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) di Sepang.
Dalam kes bersejarah ini, Mahkamah Persekutuan hari ini mencatatkan satu penyelesaian antara mereka dan kerajaan persekutuan yang mengiktiraf hak Orang Asli terhadap tanah adatnya di Bukit Tampoi, Dengkil. Sebanyak 38 ekar tanah adat itu telah diambil oleh kerajaan pusat bagi membina sebuah lebuh raya ke KLIA tanpa sebarang pampasan.
Mahkamah itu membenarkan penyelesaian tersebut dicatatkan hari ini setelah kerajaan pusat dan kerajaan Selangor bersetuju membayar papasan tersebut kepada Sagong Tasi. Sagong, 78, dan enam yang lain (dua daripada mereka telah meninggal dunia) daripada suku Temuan memfailkan saman terhadap kerajaan persekutuan, kerajaan Selangor dan Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM) dan kontraktor United Engineers Malaysia Bhd (UEM) ke mahkamah mengenai perkara itu.
Kebuntuan hanya selesai apabila pada 22 April tahun lalu, kerajaan Selangor yang dipimpin Pakatan Rakyat menarik dari daripada mencabar kes Sagong. Bagaimanapun kerajaan persekutuan dan pihak lain berjaya mendapatkan perintah penangguhan. Pada 12 April 2002, hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam, Mohd Noor Ahmad mengarahkan kedua-dua kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri, MHA dan UEM membayar pampasan kepada Sagong Tasi dan enam yang lain akibat kehilangan tanah mereka itu.
Akhirnya...RM6.5 juta untuk Sagong Tasi, rakan | |||

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